
That there Meeps *o*


More of La Meeps - Heaven (or Mount Olympos?) help us -O*

Behaving - being a nice bird as my "mum" told me to be *o* ... maybe I should have painted a halo in too?
GRINNING EDITOR: No - if people have visit this sight before they would know such a halo was a Photoshop-phony *O* ... but I - as you know - think you look very cute and sweet *o*
Purrmrmrmrmrmr *O*



"Here comes trouble !!!" *O*
Yeah - O.Cluck *o* My dear editor Johnny Sweets is right - as usual *O*
I can't stay serious for long as you can see here ... But is that really so bad? Couldn't I commit worse crimes and mmm?

KISSING EDITOR: Hi, cheer up, my sweet *o* ... let's go find Bon Bon and ask if you may borrow his headscarf to wear *o* I think it will suit you, Ma'am -O*
Meeps in the World Wide Wood - Aarhus-section situated in Denmark *O*
But somehow I don't think we'll find the lovely Bon Bon here ... She is more a 'city-girl' and will only enter "the raw nature" if I drag her - erm - beg her to come with me *O*
But I love to go among the trees and dream - about Johnny *o*
Sometimes looking like this ...



SWEET THOUGHTFUL EDITOR WHISPERING: Shush now! Let dreaming chicken be -o* Anyway - come on, dear people! Let's sneak out into the kitchen and make ourselves some hot chocolate and heat those buns Meeps and I made - yesterday ... Hi, don't push, little birdie *o* Weren't you suppose to dream about green woods and silly - more or less silly - superstars *O* ?
Cluck would rather cluck with - I'ld rather talk with you and our friends in the kitchen *o* Did you say 'hot chocolate' ?
MEEPS' BROADLY SMILING FICTIONAL FELLA: Why I most certainly did *O* This way then, my dears *o*