
Happy New Year - 2006


Oh, I'm late - I'm late - I'M LATE !!! ... even without being a white rabbit rushing past Alice and disappearing down the rabbit hole-o*
But look ... It's already "MIDJACK" -O*

And there's confetti all over the cluck ... And perhaps the poor little darling 'at six o'clock' got a piece in his eye -o*



But what is my imaginary Johnny talking about here ... Confusing his poor waiter named Bill completely, I think *O*

MEEPSIE'S FICTIONAL FELLA: No - but ... I wouldn't confuse Bill !!! I just thought you'ld like a fresh new year for dinner tonight -o* And you did cluck we're in a - you're in a hurry *O*

... oh, I DO love you, my sweetie *O*
So maybe I shouldn't have meepstreated my poor boy into looking like the Roman god Janus ... Looking both back and forth in time *o* 

JANUS - ERM, JOHNNY SWEETS: Just as long as I don't have to look like that EVERY DAY it's quite O.K. with me, honey-bird *o*

You definitely don't !!!
... it was a special effect, baby -o* I prefer you as you look normally *O*


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