
Happy Birthday - 2007


Happy Birthday to Johnny Depp today *O*
June 9, 2007
... and - in my imagination:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Johnny Sweets *o*


My sweetie of course ought to have flowers on his big dag - and if I could give his real life double some I would too *o*
But I'm not sure what went wrong in this next picture below ... 


Just a screwy birdie that got her wings on Photoshop, I guess -O*
MEEPSIE'S SMILING IMAGINATION EDITOR UP IN HIS FLOWER: Nothing went wrong, my darling little lovebird *o* But ... Could you help me down now? The wind is starting to blow more powerful and I'm sorta 'fraid of falling down and go BOOM ... Great *O* A ladder *o* Then I can get down and join our friends and you in the greatest party my Mumsy can throw *O* 
And believe you me - she can "throw" a party once the 'broad' get going ... my Johnny Sweets' Mumsy - Aphrodite, Greek goddess of luve to most people - is a party specialist !!!
... she has after all been 'at it' for about 3000 years *O* 
MUMSY TRYING HARD not TO LAUGH AT THE SILLY BIRD: Do you want that party or not, young missie ... You better want it!
Ares for one will POUT from now on and to around your birthday in January if we don't get going with the food, liquer and dancing soon - tshee-hee-hee *O*
Well, then - by all means ... We can't have a miffed god of war *o* ... tshee-hee-hee *O* 
Are y'all coming to the party, by the way? You are certainly invited, my dear friends *o*  ... you just take the nearest bookworm hole to my little house here in the outskirts of Deppville - just next to the wood *O* 