
Johnny pictures


All ... cluck ... my silly Johnny-pictures *O*
But since I am (written May 5, 2008) trying to clean up please bear with me for a while while I throw out the oldest pic and 'hang' the newest *o*
JACK: You'll hang me, luv'?
Yes *o* With you arms around my neck *O*
The oldest pictures is at the left hand column and then they get 'newer' and 'newer' as you move down and to your right *o* Savvy?
PLEASE NOTE: Holiday and Johnny's birthday 'cards' are moved over here:

I have so many 'elderly' pictures and no order to them what-so-ever ... And am also making new all the time so I have tried to stick them all in "buckets" for you to look at - here -->
- each bucket has three extra buckets inside - so 'Bucket number 9' also have 9 A - 9 B and 9 C inside! You find links to the last three in the right hand column of each of the numbered ones *o*
- the frontpage of all these buckets gets up-dated every time I make a new Johnny-picture *o* So please save the link - or use this one - and come back again for a visit all the times, you like *o*
... Photobucket even allows you to comment now below each picture if you like - and I would love if you have the time and inclination to do that *o*