Now - I DO wish I looked like this ...

I of course don't !!!
This is the beautiful Johnny Depp playing the gorgeous Ms Bon Bon *O*
... if you want to see how I really look like please scroll down *o*
But I better warn you - I DO NOT look good on pictures ...
Oh, well - now you are properly warned - so ...
After you -o*
Here I look halfway decent - I mean - you can't see much of me *O* But it ain't even my moped side
mirror - I don't have a moped *o* Ain't my house either - nor my leaves nor my ... My sweet, but sometimes firm editor
claim I should stop clucking around and just show you the pics - yes, sweetie *o* *tries to look like a obedient bird
- but then does this instead *


FONDLY SMILING EDITOR: Phuy, Miss Sweetfeathers *o* Naughty chick *O*
Tshee-hee-hee *O* *suddenly gets shy and looks down at
her shoes - like on the next pic *
Now - from a shy bird's viewpoint - here's what I saw -o*
My "Blue Suede Shoes" - erm - I
mean; my RED velvet summer shoes made in China and all *O* What, Johnny?

I have to stop singing Elvis songs VERY off key and show them a proper picture of me ... *sighs
depply * .. O.Cluck, darlin' - but we have to do it on the next page then *o*