But our clever pirate posed a good question - which way is Christmas nowadays ...

And he wants rum - tshee-hee-hee *O* NO surprise there *o* Although it seems like
The little sweetie HAD rum *O* ... but can of course always use more -o* Even the
text saying 'Merry Christmas' looks drunk ... But it is of course also right in front of Jack's breath -O* This 'evil'
chicken got an idea though - please come with us to next pic to see what it was *O*


I thought a bit of 'brisk exercise' would be good for Jack's swimming head ... Then again
perhaps I should have just asked him to go for a swim instead of asking the cannibals to help? Tshee-hee *o*
THIS chick is sometimes too much even for poor little 'old' Jack *O*
VERSION OF THE PIRATE: Yeah, but I love you anyway, little Miss Sweet'n'sillyfeathers *o*
... yeah?
I actually like this Christmas card so much I think we'll take it more time - on the next page,
that is - this time without the text *o*
