.. sweetheart *o* |
O.K. - a sweet pirate - erm, a sweet friend of mine claims one should never ever explain - it might
land one in all kind of troubles - involving slaps in the face or worse, he chirped ... Yes, he chirped? He is a sparrow
after all - savvy *O* ? But I will like to try anyway - so here goes ...
--- ---- ¤ ---- ---
SMILING JSM: No, I don't, little birdie *o* I'm sitting down - over here
playing rummy with Jack *O*
Shush now, baby! This explanation is going down the drain quickly ... Anyway !!! From
as far back as I can remember I have been telling stories. I do know the difference between what is true or not - it wasn't
lying as such - and if you asked me a serious question you got a serious answer and true as far as I knew said truth! But
- it was so much more fun to claim that I had seen two boys with a dragon on a leash over in the park when all they were actually
doing was playing with a kite *o*
HELPFUL EDITOR: In Danish we use the same word for kite and dragon so the little
chick could claim the first with a pretty straight wee face *o*
Cluck *O* Grown-ups and even some children don't
usually have much time for silly stories though so as I grew up I found out I should only think such things - not cluck
them out loud ... Which makes for a kinda lonely story teller -_- Then in 1995 I saw Johnny Depp for the first
time in a rerun of 21 Jump street the Danish television was showing and I very quickly decided I liked that guy! Not only
was he easy on the eyes - VERY easy *O* But also both sweet and smart it turned out *o* ... and now I have a pirate and
a imaginary boyfriend rolling their lovely eyes and sighing depply - erm, deeply *O* You two stick to playing cards and
I'll cluck on ! *o* !
JACK: Yes, luv' *o*
Tshe *o* I was still telling myself stories up in my head and now my 'leading
man' looked and acted like I imagined the real life Johnny Depp would. Mind you though and this I think is important
to remember; it was as I imagined he would act - not necessarily how he would really act out there in reality !!! In
the year 2000 I decided though I needed to find out more about this very nice actor. And since my beloved public library
didn't have more material on him - you, Jack hadn't sailed by his door yet so Johnny Depp wasn't quite the superstar
he is now - I was persuaded by a sweet librarian to try the Internet for the first time to see if anybody had written anything
about said able actor there! And they certainly had - tons of lovely stuff and loads of pictures for a silly bird to drool
over. Not to mention there were several different bulletin boards where very sweet people were happy to discuss anything Depp-related
- even with a silly hen from Denmark *O* Yes, I am a yellow chicken - not so brave, that is - but to my great joy and even
greater surprise people liked what I wrote ... *sits with big eyes and her little beak hanging open still very surprised
when she really think about it *
JOHNNY GETTING UP FROM THE CARD TABLE: Just a moment - I better kiss her back
into shape, Jack ... There, there, little Miss Sillyfeathers - you just came home, little honey-bird *o*
... Cluck *O* It certainly felt like it *o* And when I very carefully presented my fictional fella/imaginary version
of Johnny for them they to my still greater surprise accepted him too - although I were being quite ready to grab him and
run flapping and cackling and at as high a speed as a fat bird like me can manage into my hen house to hide and never be seen
again ????? But they accepted my silly stories ..... Accepted - I even believe some people loved my sweet, but somewhat
silly imaginary beau based on a blueprint that somewhat resembled Johnny Depp ...
JOHNNY: I'm silly ... Did you
know that, Jack?
JACK: Yes, kid *o* Go on, pet ...
Cluck, Jack
*o* *looks so very well behaved that Jack and Johnny who knows the birdie is anything but breaks down laughing * Cluck
*O* So now I not only enjoy letting Johnny 'roam' free in my imaginary world here - I actually have become quite superstitious
and almost don't dare write a serious text without my lovely, if invented assistant by my side ready to charm the visitors
into accepting me and what I cluck ...
SAD LOOKING JOHNNY: But, sweetie ... People love what YOU write -
not me -_- I'm only here to keep you company *kisses his nervous chick* You made me after all! NOT the
other way around *o*
Maybe *o* ... although I do think you invented me - as I try to explain here in;
'Who invented - whom?'Be that as it may though - the guy here beside me is NOT the real life Johnny Depp !!! As I clucked
earlier I do know the difference between reality and story *o* So the real life Johnny DEPP is - where ever he happen to
be at the moment *O*GRINNING JACK: In the general direction
of that way, Chickiepoo *o* ?
Cluck, Jackie *O* And hopefully happy with his wife and kids and the rest
of his family and friends *o* I certainly wish him all the best and love him as much as one can a person one has never
met and probably never will meet *O* Where as the fictional fella holding me just now in this my imaginary garden behind
the also invented house at the edge of the BIIIIIIIIG World Wide Wood is Johnny SWEETS Magpie - made a bit like John Christopher
DEPP but very much his own invention !!! *o* !!!
invention *o* ? ... I am yours any which way !!! *kisses a delighted hen*JACK IN THE BACKGROUND: Hi, you two - get a room *O* Or better still; come over here and let's
play some cards -o*
Cluck *o*
But before I move over and let Jack win my last rum let me just offer you
another link where I try to explain who Johnny Sweets' family is ... Here:
.. where I also discover I may be knitted instead of hatched ??? Fancy
that -o* And now I better go play some card or our impatient pirate might start unravelling said knitting - me *O*
Bye-bye *o*