That BLOODY - cute spoilt little pirate pet *o*
Here I got him champagne and all and just look what he pouts ...
Oh, O.K. - baby !!! *o* !!! Then I'll serve it for our guests and get you some rum later, you spoilt
- little pirate pet *O*
STILL TEASING JACK: You'll serve it for your guests but don't drink it yourself
*o* ?
They are your guests too, Jo - Jack *O*


Yes, baby *o* 2008 is running out - like the sand here *o* But the chick still hangs
butterflies on the walls *O*
SMILING JOHNNY: Well, at least you don't stick a pin in 'em *o* Just frame
... Eew! Now why did I had to go and think of that !!! ... I want my jar of dirt!
... you can't use
a chicken to hug for comfort instead? I'm warm and very soft due to being - well, fat -o*
COMFORTING HUGGING AND KISSING JOHNNY: You are NOT fat, my sweet little Chickiepoo
*o* ... just a wee bit round *O*
Yahoooooo *O*
But wait, Jack !!! You don't have to go dig - and that joke about me burying the new year is OLD
*O* But the grocer is still open and we can go and buy you some rum *o*
"JACK": A real pirate does not - oh, O.K. sweetie *o* We'll
buy it *O* ... and since James Norrington is home and well in England in your imagination it is also
a lot easier -o*


Yes, it is *o*
Pirates don't do work so well, eh -o* ? Tshee-hee-hee *O*
Maybe this guy - the real life Johnny Depp - could also use a jar of dirt or something though ...
I have a feeling he may have a busy time ahead of him -_-
PROTESTING JOHNNY SWEETS: But he's a grown-up ... He could just say "NO!" !!!
... like you do when our friends ask for help *o* ?
SHY HELPFUL GUY: NEXT pic - page *o*