
To Meepsie's hen house


WELCOME to my home at the edge of the World Wide Wood - erm, Web *O*
This is a page where I show all the things I can make - show off, actually *o* *blushes a bit - but then remember that that is what the web is for - among other things *
Tshe *o*
So here are pictures and stories I have made during the last years - since 2001 *O*
If you are wondering though about my fantasy editor who pops up all the time [SURPRISED EDITOR: I do ? ] Tshee-hee *O* Yes, like that *o*
But if you are - here is a sort of explanation for that guy - and perhaps for me too; The Explanation -O*

Here - at your right - are links to the five newest stories on my page *o*
My pictures are all here ... Bucket *o*
AND the Guestbook is moved over at this spot ... SPOT -o*
Everything else is divided between what has to do - more or less - with the American actor/superstar Johnny Depp whom I am a big fan of and what has not *o*
Just click on either of the two "pictures" below to get to see that *o*
But I better warn you though ... 
My darling fictional fella Johnny Sweets is usually involved in all I do *O*

The five newest stories!



If you have any comments, critic or suggestions
- anything to tell me at all -
please write to: