But is my sweet Johnny really serious here ???

I know it's very fashionable in Hollywood to be ever so slim, but ... HERE with ME
my imaginary Johnny is very much allowed to eat what he like !!! ... and especially during Christmas *o* Then again - if
my darling will only eat "wooden duck" for Christmas dinner ...
... this silly dancing chick here - me - is quite safe *o* I am anyway - agent Sands IS Johnny,
after all *O* *dances on and drops her little hat in her happiness *
SMILE: But weren't you playing the wee duck on my arm back in England?
Erm - so I were *o* Will you eat me
then -o* ?
BROADLY SMILING EDITOR: Nope! But go and try finding that there - Christmas *o*


So my fine fictional fella went off to find Christmas for us ...
And he seems to be on the right track here *o* While
looking so damn - erm - very goooooooood *O*
Tshe *o*
And will you just look at what - WHO I managed to
find and frame on the next pic *O*
TEASING EDITOR: Yeah - I got framed and I haven't even done nothing
!!! -o* !!!
You "haven't done nothing" - and you're an (self)-educated man *o* ... but if you like to change
that how about peeling the potatoes for tonight and take out the trash and - and then you can cluck you have done somethi-hee-hee-hee
SMILING EDITOR: And tickled you -O* ?
Yes, pet *o* ... on the other wing you are on your VERY best
behaviour in the next pic - how come?


BLUSHING EDITOR TRIES TO EXPLAIN: Well - Grandie was down on first row
... Savvy?
Grandie was ... MY adoptive grandmother Hera loves you to bits !!! *O* !!! Erm - I mean she loves every
little bit of you *o* Adores you *O*
SHY, BUT HAPPY EDITOR: Yes - well - maybe that's why she always want
me to do my VERY best -o* And ... 'cause I love her I want to behave and do my very best too - to sorta
please her, you know *o* ?
Yes, baby *o*
... but why does it say "To Meeps" on the next pic?
it's my gift to you, sweetie *o* Please go ahead and unwrap m - it *O*