Quite by accident - just because I wanted to show a sweet friend the view - I discovered that Tall Ships' Races (SMILING EDITOR: Yes, that was a link, my dears -o* ) visited my hometown this year - 2007 - between the dates of
July 5 and July 8.
To make this even MUCH MORE BETTER the sweet friend and I had just been to see JACK in the cinema
and it was from the building said movie was shown in we saw the top of the masts and the white sails down at the harbour *O*
Here's some pictures I took at the event *o*

I live in Denmark so here's the Danish flag flying in the wind *o*
THE EDITOR READING FROM THE CUSTOMER'S MANUAL: "If you want to see any of these pics" - here
and on the next pages - "bigger please just click on them twice" ...
Here's a part of my hometown Aarhus seen from one of the quays the tall ships were moored to *o*
Erm - ships?
Want to see more beautiful ships
- pictures NOT by me -
Each ship is mentioned by name here
and if you click on said name
you can see a photo and read about it *O*