
Jack's reporter -O*


O.K. - I'm neither beautiful nor cute - although perhaps cuter than the Kraken ... Which is pretty easy to be !!! Really ...
But my dear (teasing, but also loving *o* ) fantasy editor - my totally INVENTED boy friend and proud of same - claims he'll sig said beastie on me if I don't show you this picture of me at the harbour July 4 ...
And although Kraken is a much more better - erm - much more friendly monster in reality - I mean; in my imagination - than in the movie I don't much want to be hugged by a gigantic octipus until I cluck "Uncle!" (why is it never aunt Fanny, by the backway?) and show you that there pic - so here *o*

Picture taken by the sweet friend I mentioned at the beginning *o*
And if you haven't had enough of tall ships pictures taken by me
I have placed these pictures and some other in this bucket: